Thursday, September 20, 2007

Upcoming Projects

Hi gang,

So far we have discussed a catalog and also a promo postcard. Does anyone want to lead these projects? As said before, I know Jim was interested in the catalog. He came up with the catalog idea! I know mymy and karabu throught the catalog was a great idea. What other projects or ideas do you all have?

We have two possible projects: the catalog and the promo postcard. For the postcard, we were looking at possible printing vendors, size of postcard, and prices. Another issue was to have a mailable postcard or not. Jim and I both came up with design ideas awhile ago. Now that we have a name, we should create our look.

Ideas? Reply to this post! Thank you.

Monday, September 17, 2007


sneak peek - fg9
Originally uploaded by anongrrl

i haven't seen much action over on the blog. i am poppping in a little image here, because i have a hard time posting without including one these days! look, it's a zine layout before being cut down and bound!

any more images of postcard proposals floating around out there?

Thursday, September 6, 2007

This is a test. . .

So, by "moving the conversation here" does that mean to post entries like this? If there is another way to communicate, just let me know. We also have our Yahoo group that so far no one has joined. It would be a method of more private conversation.

I love the catalog idea. Where are we at right now on any of the projects, or are we still organizing? I confess to getting a bit lost here lately - we're having bursts and stops. I'm game to help where I can - what do we need done?