Thursday, September 20, 2007

Upcoming Projects

Hi gang,

So far we have discussed a catalog and also a promo postcard. Does anyone want to lead these projects? As said before, I know Jim was interested in the catalog. He came up with the catalog idea! I know mymy and karabu throught the catalog was a great idea. What other projects or ideas do you all have?

We have two possible projects: the catalog and the promo postcard. For the postcard, we were looking at possible printing vendors, size of postcard, and prices. Another issue was to have a mailable postcard or not. Jim and I both came up with design ideas awhile ago. Now that we have a name, we should create our look.

Ideas? Reply to this post! Thank you.


Kara Hartz said...

I'm still game to help out where I can, but I've never done a card or catalog before and don't feel prepared to lead this effort.

Do we need the yahoo group? No one has tried to join except one spammy sounding person and they tried twice.

I'll start a new team thread on etsy and see if we can get some more folks over here and get this thing moving again.

Curls Studio said...

Thanks for responding karabu.

I can lead the postcard effort starting in late October. If any one has any thoughts on the following questions regarding the postcard, please respond:

- Mailable postcard or not?
- Color on front is for sure. What about the back... should we do black and white back or full color on back? (this is a cost thing)
- Size... standard postcards size or something larger?
- How many postcards would each of us need?

I would also like to have someone research bookstores, comic book stores, coffee shops, zine and comics conventions, and other venues so that we can have a listing of places that we can send to or drop off the postcards to get our group's name out... we need a mailing list. If anyone wants to take on the mailing list project, let us know.

As for the Yahoo group, I have looked at it and will sign up in a bit... after I get done with a few things I will pay closer attantion to our group and the postcard effort in late October. karabu, you may want to promote it to the members on our Etsy discussion and try to get them more involved.